Friday, February 10, 2012

Birds of a Feather "Nest" Together, Part 2

There she is...all nestled in a lovely quilt sandwich.
Nest Quitl Sandwich
I love the colors in this line. They are deep and rich, a nice contrast to February. :) I think the quilting will have to wait. I have a bunch of practice mini quilts that I want to do first. This quilt is too special to rush.
Nest Quilt Backing
Right now I am leaning toward a simple straight line pattern and mixing in some hand quilting with pearl cotton in a variety of colors outlining the bird or the nest.
Nest Quilt Backing
I also considered a circular quilting pattern, and think it would be fabulous, but I really want to do the hand quilting. Not sure how they would look together. What do you think?


  1. Vickie, your quilt is so beautiful. Those colors are awesome.

  2. Beautiful! I also love those colors and the graphic lines in the fabrics! You're doing such a great job on it!!

  3. Stunning! Good idea to take your time and plan the quilting part carefully! You will be so pleased, once it's finished. Hugs xx

  4. Wow!! I love this quilt!! Makes me wish I could zip back in time and pick up more of some of those prints! I think either way you quilt your quilt you'll be able to incorporate some hand quilting. The perle will really suit the bold look of your quilt.

  5. Vickie -- this looks fantastic! You did such a great job. I'd love to know how you eventually quilt it.

    (I've lost a bit of my quilting mojo and haven't done much sewing since the end of summer. I've practically forgotten about my Nest quilt, which is really just blocks so far (and not enough blocks at that. This is encouraging to pull them out again, sooner rather than later).)


Oh, goodie. I love to hear from you!